ISRP 2002 abstract

Presenter/author Title Abstract

Guan, Jinhua**
Hsiao, Hongwei**

, Ziqing*

*) National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

**) Division of Safety Research, NIOSH, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

Recapturing the Sizing Issues of Respirator Fit-test Panels for Emergency Response Ill-fit respirators may compromise the ability of emergency responders to act effectively in hazardous situations. This study reevaluated the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) respirator fit-test panels for their effectiveness to provide sizing reference for the US military and civilian populations. The LANL panels were developed in 1974 based on the 1967-68 US Air Force Anthropometry Survey. The 1988-89 US Army Anthropometry Survey and the Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR ) were involved in this evaluation. Data on face length and face width from the Army survey or CAESAR were fed into the full-facepiece panel, and data on face length and lip length from the Army survey were fed into the half-facepiece panel. Any individual whose bivariate dimensions fell out of panel boundaries was considered to be not accommodated.

With adjusted racial distribution, the full- and half-facepiece panels were able to accommodate 90.1% and 93.1%, respectively, of the Army survey population. The full-facepiece panel was able to accommodate only 85% the CAESAR population. There was insufficient information for evaluating the ability of the half-facepiece panel to accommodate the CAESAR population. The LANL panels should be revised so that they can fit 95% of the current civilian population.